

I sat in a circle of women last night, women I see every day, but in a different way. Mostly there is small talk, and community business, and sharing tasks like cooking meals, and catching up on life in snippets between the distraction of children.

Monthly, we sit together with intention. We hold a sacred space for all who are there and those who are not. We don't all make it that often. I don't always feel like going when the time comes. But the circle is always powerful and always worth it.

This is something new for me these past few years. Talk about "sacred space" and "letting the universe guide you" still makes me squirm a little inside. But that's not the important part. The magic lies in taking the time to be together more deeply than everyday interactions allow. Something stronger is created when we speak from the heart and when we truly listen to each other, whether or not there is a speaking stick.

There were candles, there was wine, there was laughter and sadness. But most of all, there was connection, opening, support, love. This is how we change the world.

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